Nyheter  Mandag 8. januar 2024

Valdres Sommerbrass 2024 - information in english

Welcome to the fourth Valdres Sommerbrass - our national summer course week for practitioners of school band age.
Registration deadline 1st of May.

Sommerbrass 2024 ill 2

As before– we are offering courses 1, 2 and 3 for brass players and percussionists, and YOUNG Composer courses and YOUNG Conductor courses.

NEW: This year, we are expanding with new courses offered to practitioners practicing at a higher level in the age group 19 - 22.

The courses 4 and 4 + are open to those especially invested and who would like a kick-start towards higher education or a new band season.

The courses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4+ will consist of chamber music and group instructions, music theory, conducting, choir, playing by ear, breathing techniques and elective courses such as improvisation, composition, and joint bands. Additionally, there will also be a teacher’s concert, house concerts and closing concerts.

During the YOUNG Conductor course, conducting techniques, score analysis and –comprehension, and instrument knowledge will be taught. It will also consist of rehearsal with a practice ensemble and band as well as teaching in the conductor’s role and tasks.

The YOUNG Composer course offers courses in musicology/music theory, composition and score reading. It will also consist of workshops and masterclasses, give the participants the. opportunity to try out their own ideas with the practice ensemble.

Course outline:

  • Course 1: 9-11 years July 30th – August 2nd Participation fee: 3700 NOK
  • Course 2: 12-15 years July 28th – August 2nd Participation fee: 4950 NOK
  • Course 3: 16 – 19 years July 28th – August 2nd Participation fee: 4950 NOK
  • Course 4: 19-22 years July 28th -July 29th Participation fee: 1850 NOK
  • Course 4+: 19-22 years July 28th – August 2nd Participation fee: 5500 NOK
  • UNG conductor course: 15-22 years July 28th – August 2nd Participation fee: 5500 NOK
  • UNG composer course: 15-22 years July 28th – August 2nd Participation fee: 5500 NOK

If there are any vacancies, older participants may attend the conductor and composer courses.

The courses for composers and conductors are also available to participants that do not play in a band. Participation fees include overnight trips, teaching and teaching materials as well as all

Valdres Sommerbrass is not only about music, even though a musical boost and inspiration are the most important parts. This is the place to meet old friends and new ones, volleyball tournaments, board games, quiz contests and much more.

As a part of our inclusion platform Korps for alle (Band for all), participants residing in Norway have the possibility to apply for a reduction of participation fees for Valdres Sommerbrass for low-income families (there is a link to application form on our website).

Feel free to contact us for more information if you would like to attend one of the cources.

Phone: +47 944 22 908

Mail: korpsnett@korpsnett.no

All about Valdres Sommerbrass 2024 (Norwegian language only at the moment)